Plot Outline and Assorted Notes (v2)
[written late 2012]

WARNING: Possible spoilers ahead!

CONTENTS: Setting | Zoids List | Plot Outline | Character Notes | Name Notes

Planet Zi in the 2200s. After the Helic/Neo-Zenebas war ended, the two countries reached a truce, forming the Muroa Alliance. Each country controls roughly half of the Central Continent, as well as maintaining a small presence on the Eastern Continent in the Blue City area. The Republic is relatively stable, but the Neo-Zenebas Empire has recently had some fighting over succession, with the direct line of rulers presumed dead and a branch family (which is less sympathetic to the Republic) currently in charge. The remnants of Helic, Neo-Zenebas and Guylos forces on the Dark Continent have united into the Trion Republic, a peaceful but secretive nation that mostly keeps to itself. However, the Guylos survivors on the Eastern Continent have formed into a dangerous loyalist group, considering themselves the "true" Guylos Empire and seeking revenge on Neo-Zenebas for destroying them and on Helic for "betraying" them by allying with Neo-Zenebas. Further north, a small island nation called the Cheironyx Empire has slowly grown to the point where it is starting to build its own Zoid army, ostensibly for defence. The Western Continent citizens have mostly remained neutral, as in the Western Continent War, but in the Grey Desert area of western Europa, a military nation called Sharlith has recently arisen in secret. Sharlith uses overwhelming force and harsh tactics to ensure little knowledge of its existence escapes. Sharlith citizens, fed up with the tyranny of their leaders, have formed a small but rapidly growing revolutionary force, intending to overthrow and reform Sharlith once they have enough power. Their resources are limited, but they have occupied some old Shadow Fox factories from the Western Continent War and have produced a number of powerful customised Shadow Foxes.


Cheironyx Empire (カイロニックス帝国)
CEZ-001 Geno Drake (ジェノドレーク)
CEZ-002 Slasher Kironix (スラッシャーキロニクス)
CEZ-003 Laser Kironix (レーザーキロニクス)
CEZ-004 Blaster Kironix (ブラスターキロニクス)
CBX-001 Swarm Ant (スォームアント)
CBX-002 Weapons Echidna (ウェポンエキドナー)
CEZ-005 Speed Phoenix (スピードフェニックス)
CCZ-001 Hover Ray (ホバーレイ)
CEZ-006 Leviathan (リバイアサン)
CEZ-007 Ammonider (アンモナイダー)
CEZ-008 Squidling (スクイッドリング)
?CBZ-003 Hydra (ハイドラ)
?CEZ-009 Arachnoid (アラクノイド /アラクニス/ケレキス)
?CEZ-010 Nightwing (ナイトウィング /ナイトプテラノ/レイカ)

Trion Republic (トライオン共和国)
TZ-001 Nanocleaver (ナノクリーバー)
TZ-002 Gruatara (グルアターラ)
TZ-003 Tuatarid (ツアターリッド)
TZ-004 Illuscyther (イリュサイザー)
TZ-005 Milliblaster (ミリブラスター)
TZ-006 Nanopede (ナノピード)
TZ-007 Velocipede (ベロシピード)
TZ-008 Armourpede (アーマーピード)
TZ-009 Hydropede (ハイドロピード)
TZ-010 Aquapede (アクアピード)
TAZ-001 Hyperbite (ハイパーバイト)
TCZ-001 Maldrax (マルドラクス)
TBZ-001 Swarm Bee (スォームビー)
TBZ-002 Swarm Queen (スォームクイーン)
TBZ-003 Falconcry (ファルコンクライ)
TZ-011 Lyndwarrior (リンドウォーリアー)
TZ-012 Amphiblaze (アンフィブレーズ)
TZ-013 Amphiwarrior (アンフィウォーリアー)
TBZ-004 Nodocrusher (ノドクラッシャー)
TZ-014 Fusion Wolf (フュージョンウルフ)
?RZ-041 + TCP-001 Liger Zero Archos (ライガーゼロアーコス/アーコスユニット)
?TAZ-002 Dracos (ドレーコス)
?TZ-015 Ninja Lord (ニンジャロード)
?TZ-015 + TCP-002 Heavy Ninja (ヘビーニンジャ/ヘビーユニット)
?TZ-015 + TCP-003 Speed Ninja (スピードニンジャ/スピードユニット)
?TZ-015 + TCP-004 ?Zantetsu Ninja (ザンテツニンジャ/ザンテツユニット)
?TZ-015 + TCP-005 Sky Ninja (スカイニンジャ/スカイユニット)

Sharlith Junta (シャーリス武国)
SCZ-001 Helldragon (ヘルドラゴン)
SZ-001 ?Armaldox (アルマルドクス /アルマディレクス)
SZ-002 Scavenger (スカベンジャー)
?SZ-003 Omnius (オムニウス)

Sharlith Revolutionists (シャーリス革命軍/反乱軍)
RZ-046 Shadow Fox (シャドーフォックス)
?SR-00X Scout Fox (スカウトフォックス)
?SR-00Y Glow Fox (グローフォックス)
SR-001 Fire Fox β (ファイアフォックスβ)
SR-002 Wing Fox (ウィングフォックス)
SR-003 Digger Fox (ディッガーフォックス)
SR-004 Chill Fox (チルフォックス /ポーラーフォックス)
SR-005 Aqua Fox (アクアフォックス)
SR-006 Nano Fox (ナノフォックス /バグフォックス)
SR-007 Destroyer Fox (デストロヤーフォックス /ブラスターフォックス)
SR-008 Armour Fox (アーマーフォックス /ミサイルフォックス)
SR-009 Blade Fox (ブレードフォックス)
SR-010 Speed Fox (スピードフォックス)
SR-011 Energy Fox (エナジーフォックス /ライトニングフォックス)
SR-012 Gravity Fox (グラビティフォックス)
SR-013 Dark Fox (ダークフォックス)
SR-014 X Shadow (Xシャドー)
?Shadow Saix (シャドーサイクス)

Muroa Alliance: Helic Republic (ムーロア同盟・ヘリック共和国)
Liger Zero Midnight Shield
Hover Cargo (+ Shield Liger, Dibison)
Bear Fighter
Fire Phoenix
Dimetra Ptera
Leo Gator
Missile Tortoise
Brachio Zilla
Ray Saurer
Shield Liger HoloTech
Raynos HoloTech
Spinosnapper HoloTech
Battle Cougar
Shield Liger (gold)
(Limited Blade Liger)
(Hound Soldier)
(Cannon Caesar)
(Liger Zero HoloTech)
(Gun Blaster HoloTech)
(Double Sworder HoloTech)

Muroa Alliance: Neo-Zenebas Empire (ムーロア同盟・ネオゼネバス帝国)
Jet Falcon
Gorilla Tron
Cannon Spider
Power Mammoth
Power Mantis

Guylos Empire (ガイロス帝国 /勤皇家)
Black Rhimos
Lightning Saix
Dark Horn
Zaber Fang
Energy Liger
Scissor Storm
Laser Storm
Gravity Saurer
Gravity Saix
Gravity Wolf
Gravity Ptera
Zaber Fang HoloTech
War Shark HoloTech
(Power Kong)
(Dimetrodon (purple))
(Sea Striker (yellow))
(Shield Liger (red))
(Shield Liger (white))
(Battle Rex)
(Gravity Rex)
(Energy Zaber)

Access restricted due to heavy spoilers.

Access restricted due to heavy spoilers.

Key: Greek, Latin, Japanese, English

Melana Ryuu Fulgaro
- "melas" = black
- "melana" = black (single male object, plural neutral)
- "ryuu" = dragon
- "fulgur" = lightning (plural "fulgura")
- "fulguro" = flash/shine ("I shine"/"I am shining" only)

Argent Hinotori Ventis
- "argentum" = silver (noun - plural "argenta")
- "argent" = silver (noun/adj)
- "hinotori" = phoenix
- "ventus" = wind (single object)
- "ventis" = to/from winds

Hyacinth Antara
- "hyakinthus" = blue gem
- "hyacinth" = sapphire, blue-purple
- ??? = mist...
- nebula (nebulae, nebulam, nebularum, nebulis, nebulas - fog/cloud/vapour)
- caligo (caliginis, caligini, caliginem, caligine, caligines, caliginum, caliginibus - verb forms of "steam")
- nimbus (rain cloud)
- vapor (steam)
- omichli (mist/fog)
- antara (mist/bad weather)
- achlys, katachnia (haze)
- hydronephosi (water cloud)
- nephos (nepheos, nephei, nephee, nepheoin, nephea, nepheon, nephessin - cloud)

Erythro Diabolo

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